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  1. Welcome to MamAnomolie!

    Friday, December 4, 2009

    Welcome to my blog! I'm so excited to begin this endeavor, but you, dear reader, are probably wondering what kind of endeavor this is. And what kind of a name is MamAnomolie?

    Well, first the easy half of the explanation. I am about to be a new mama. I'm five months pregnant, and I've been feeling my focus shift more and more to motherhood and parenting. I am preparing to leave my job for full-time motherhood. I feel very lucky that I will be able to stay home with my little girl. Also a bit apprehensive and nervous, but mostly thankful and enthusiastic.

    And why Anomolie? I feel as though I am a bit of an anomaly. For example, I don't eat meat except for wild game - a trait which offends carnivores and herbivore alike. I strive to take into account the environmental impacts of my purchases and habits, but I have a weakness for wrapping paper and Starbucks. I research personal care products and household cleaners for environmental health issues, but I won't hesitate to eat those bright orange "circus peanuts" candies that you buy at the gas station.

    In the past I struggled with my anomalous tendencies, feeling like I had to pick one thing or the other, but I now realize the two sides are part of who a am. I am an anomaly, and I've embraced that. So much so that, while I am normally tyrannical in my pursuit of proper spelling and grammar, I've decided that I like the look and feel of 'anomolie' better than 'anomaly.' So there.

    So, welcome to MamAnomolie. I hope you enjoy, laugh, learn, and discover new resources and inspirations on green products and lifestyles, healthy products, parenthood, arts & craftiness and whatever else this anomalous mama throws at you!

    Thanks for stopping by!

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