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  1. Handmade for the Holidays

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    I must admit, this year I have not been nearly as crafty in my gift-giving as in holidays past. I am happy to say that I have been working on knitting a scarf for a certain someone. Of course, the scarf is not quite done yet, and I can tell it's been quite some time since I've picked up my knitting since my finger is sore. My knitter's callus had disappeared and I'm now working on building it back up.

    While I do love being crafty, patience is not one of my virtues, which comes back to bite me in my efforts to be crafty. I know how to knit, but after several failed attempts at hats, I mainly stick to simple scarves made of fun yarn. I know how to sew, but I'm definitely limited in my skills in that department as well. I once made a purse that was so horrible my husband suggested turning it into an art installation piece called "I hate sewing." It can be joined by my too big hat that I unsuccessfully tried felting into a bowl that I'll call "I hate knitting" as well as my melted and blackened mini-blinds that I'll call "I hate candlemaking."

    I tried to teach myself to crochet recently and ended up feeling quite the failure. I need to take some classes. I need to find more people to help me. But most of all, I think I need more patience. I hear that patience helps in child-rearing, too, so I better start working on that now!

    For today, I'm just happy that I'm creating at least one homemade goody for the holidays. Merry Christmas everyone!

  2. 4 comments:

    1. So - let me see if you can help me out.... I am knitting a baby blanket for a friend. What sort of yard should I use?? Organic cotton?? Acrylic?? What are your thoughts??

      Hope you are well and Happy New Year!!


    2. Rachel said...

      Yay, I love comments! Wow, a baby blanket is ambitious! Organic cotton or a soft animal hair, but that might be expensive. Some people knock acrylic, but it is probably the easiest to wash, which I hear is important for baby items. Good luck! I want to see it when you're done :)

    3. I went to Great Yarns there by Whole Foods and they were a HUGE help. Went with Encore ColorSpun.... 75% acrylic 25% wool. Nice and soft, easy to work with, and machine washable and can be put in the dryer on low. Seems like a winner to me!

    4. Rachel said...

      I want to see pics (or the real thing) when you're done. I love Great Yarns. They really know their stuff!

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