I began MamAnomolie in 2009 when I was a few months away from becoming a first-time mama. I had been feeling my focus shifting toward motherhood and parenting. I was preparing to leave my job for full-time motherhood. I felt so lucky that I would be able to stay home with my little girl. I was, of course, somewhat unsure and apprehensive, but mostly thankful and enthusiastic.
I had done quite a bit of writing and some blogging for my job. I enjoyed it, but in a professional capacity there were so many things that had to be edited out. The idea of having my own blog, a personal blog, was such a refreshing concept. To be able to say what I wanted to and not have to censor my opinions. MamAnomolie was born in this time of approaching motherhood, life upheaval and new-found freedom.
So, the Mama part is obvious. And why Anomolie? I feel as though I am a bit of an anomaly. For example, for many years I didn't eat meat except for wild game - a trait which offended carnivores and herbivore alike. I strive to take into account the environmental impacts of my purchases and habits, but I have a weakness for wrapping paper and Starbucks. I research personal care products and household cleaners for environmental health issues, but I won't hesitate to eat those bright orange "circus peanuts" candies that you buy at the gas station.
In the past I struggled with my anomalous tendencies, feeling like I had to pick one thing or the other, but I now realize the two sides are part of who I am. I am an anomaly, and I've embraced that. So much so that, while I am normally tyrannical in my pursuit of proper spelling and grammar, I've decided that I like the look and feel of 'anomolie' better than 'anomaly.' So there.
In the beginning, I meant to write about green products and lifestyles, healthy products, parenthood, and arts & crafts. I have started and stopped a few times. I have wondered whether I should rein things in a bit. I've decided that I may be going off-track, but that's a great place to be, so why not take you with me? You'll see a family scrapbook entry alongside a book review and resources for BPA-free baby supplies.
I hope you enjoy MamAnomolie. I'm thrilled that you've come to visit! Please send me your feedback, thoughts, ideas...I would love to hear from you!