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  1. I Am Toad

    Thursday, February 16, 2012

    Sophie has way too many books. Don't tell my husband that I have admitted this. There is something about children's books that I cannot resist. I get pangs of guilt when I think about buying myself new clothes or things for the house, but books for Sophie is a rare guilt-free zone for me. (A) They are for her. (B) They promote literacy and learning when we read them together. Yes, I should go to the library more, but...wait a, this is my one guilt-free zone and I'm ruining it. Bottom line - Sophie has a lot of books.

    Some of these are recent publications. We have fallen in love with Karma Wilson's and Jane Chapman's Bear Snores On series. We also love Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle and Jill McElmurry. Other of our favorites are oldies but goodies. It's so much fun to read books to Sophie that that I loved as a child. One such favorite is the Frog and Toad series by Arnold Lobel. When reading "The List" from Frog and Toad Together, however, I came to a startling realization.

    "The List" is about Toad making a list of the things he needs to get done (a very smart idea) and checking them off as he completes each task (again, such a wise toad). He even writes down "Wake Up," which he has obviously already done, and immediately crosses it off of his list (OK, so toad may be a little OCD). Toad eats his breakfast (gets to cross that off of the list), walks to Frog's house (another activity checked off), and then takes a long walk with Frog. Toad has just crossed "Take walk with Frog" off of his list (I'm kind of jealous at this point, to be honest) when this happens...

    Just then there was a strong gust of wind. It blew the list out of Toad's hand. The list blew high up into the air.

    "Help!" cried Toad. "My list is blowing away. What will I do without my list?"

    "Hurry!" said Frog. "We will run and catch it."

    "No!" shouted Toad. "I cannot do that."

    "Why not?" asked Frog.

    "Because." wailed Toad, "Running after my list is not one of the things that I wrote on my list of things to do!"

    Yep, right there. That's when it hit me. I am Toad. Sigh.

    The blessing and curse that is my list (OK, who am I kidding, lists) will surely be material for a later post. Right now, I'm going to go check "blogging" off of my to-do list.

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