My little Sophie was born at the end of March, and I am only ready to come back to the blog now...the first day of summer. I've been thinking about how I should re-enter my blog. At first I thought I needed an explanation for why I had been MIA for so long. You would think that having a baby would be explanation enough, but there are plenty of people who just keep on blogging. I am not one of those people. And I'm also not one to share all of the details of my labor or try to explain on a blog just how deeply I care about Sophie. There is nothing wrong with those kinds of blogs, in fact, I have enjoyed reading some of those blogs, but I am not one of those bloggers and this is not one of those blogs.
I simply didn't want to blog for the past three months, and if it's alright with everyone, I'm just going to continue on from here as though I were with you all along with no good explanation at all :)
How exciting to look on my reader and see there was a Mamanomolie post! I have been pining away waiting for you :-) I am happy to pick right up where we left off...this is definitely one of those kinds of relationships! Happy first day of summer!