This recent post from the Healthy Child Healthy World blog (a fabulous blog which I highly recommend, by the way) reminded me of my guidelines for more responsible consumption. Basically, the post mentioned a recent study linking pesticides on produce to ADHD. Janelle Sorensen, the blog's author, went on to explain that some people were so concerned about the study results that they were not feeding their kids fresh produce at all. Sorensen shares her opinion that issues like this cannot be dealt with in a black and white only manner. Sure, if you can feed your family organic produce, that's great, but if not, feeding them fresh fruits and veggies is still great and better than no fruits and veggies at all. Use your heads, people! Sorensen was much more polite than me in her plea to parents.
It's true that all of the issues you hear about surrounding our choices as consumers can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to know what to believe and where to begin. A few years ago I came up with 5 guidelines that I think are helpful in making choices about what to buy and use. They are all pretty simple, but I still think they can be helpful, especially if you're just starting to look more critically at your own consumption habits.
So, Rule #1 is to Be Informed! I told you, these are pretty simple. Being informed means getting information, not from marketers, but from independent, science-based resources. It also is a reminder that you have the right to be informed. If you can't get an ingredient list, why not? Also, think critically about the information that you receive, and beware of greenwashing. We all feel warm and fuzzy when we see that something is labeled as "all natural." Well, arsenic is all natural. That doesn't mean it's good for you.
I've mentioned several of the resources that I go to for information on this blog before, and I'll keep sharing more. Please let me know if you have any go-to resources for learning more about the products you purchase. Oh, and Rules #2-#5 will be on their way soon!
5 Guidelines for Smarter Consumer Choices - Rule #1: Be Informed
Friday, June 25, 2010
Posted by Rachel at 4:32 PM | Labels: consumer choice | 0 comments |
Great Product Reviews for Parents
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Looking for safe toys for your little one? Want super in-depth product reviews? Curious as to what happens when someone sports synthetic urine soaked diapers on her arms in order to test the potential for skin irritation? That last one really got your attention, didn't it?All of this and more can be found at ZRecommends. It's a great site for parents who are looking for quality consumer recommendations focusing on product health and safety. And these people are truly dedicated to the cause. The diapers on the arm thing wasn't a joke. The folks over at ZRecommends are currently testing Pampers Dry Max diapers on themselves due to complaints of the diapers causing nasty rashes.
Years of reporting on potentially harmful chemicals in children's products led to the creation of the ZRecs Guide to Safer Children's Products. The guide covers BPA, phthalates, parabens, lead and more in everything from bottles to sleepwear. The database can be searched by brand or by category.
Toy safety is of great concern to me. Sophie is growing and doing more every day. I want to get her some new toys that will help in her development and be fun to play with, but of course I'm concerned about what's in those toys, especially since it will end up in her mouth. I would love to hear about toy guides you have found that cover these topics, or toy brands you have found that are safe. Please add your comments and input!Posted by Rachel at 3:24 PM | Labels: consumer guides, toys | 0 comments |
Finding a Safer Sunscreen
Monday, June 21, 2010
It's the first day of summer, which means it's time to slather on the sunscreen. The problem is, some of the ingredients in those sunscreens could be unhealthy. Furthermore, many of the sunscreens on the market simply don't do a very good job of protecting your skin from the suns harmful rays.
The Food and Drug Administration began writing regulations for sunscreen in 1978....are you waiting for the rest of that sentence, because there is no more. They have yet to issue their final regulations after thirty-two years!So, interested in which sunscreens have safe ingredients and will provide the protection you need? The Environmental Working Group has come to the rescue again with their 2010 Sunscreen Guide. Take a look at where your favorite brand ranks, and find out which sunscreens you can feel good about using on yourself and your family!
Posted by Rachel at 4:02 PM | Labels: consumer guides, environmental health, personal care products, toxics | 0 comments |
So, it's been awhile, huh? You know, I have to hand it to the mamas out there who have a baby and pretty much blog right on through. Seriously, I don't know how you do it.
My little Sophie was born at the end of March, and I am only ready to come back to the blog now...the first day of summer. I've been thinking about how I should re-enter my blog. At first I thought I needed an explanation for why I had been MIA for so long. You would think that having a baby would be explanation enough, but there are plenty of people who just keep on blogging. I am not one of those people. And I'm also not one to share all of the details of my labor or try to explain on a blog just how deeply I care about Sophie. There is nothing wrong with those kinds of blogs, in fact, I have enjoyed reading some of those blogs, but I am not one of those bloggers and this is not one of those blogs.
I simply didn't want to blog for the past three months, and if it's alright with everyone, I'm just going to continue on from here as though I were with you all along with no good explanation at all :)Posted by Rachel at 3:41 PM | Labels: About Me | 1 comments |