My second guideline for making informed consumer choices is to make connections. By this I mean to think beyond the product in front of you and ask yourself how it got there. What were the raw materials that went into making it? How were these raw materials obtained? Where was it made? What were the working conditions of the people who made it?
It can be difficult to make these connections, but I think they are important. If there was a picture on every package of the working conditions of the people who made the product, my guess is that many of our buying habits would change. It is the job of marketers and advertisers to make a product look as good as possible, so it's up to us to ask questions and dig deeper into company policies and practices.
5 Guidelines for Smarter Consumer Choices - Rule #2: Make Connections
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Posted by Rachel at 8:34 PM | Labels: consumer choice | 0 comments |